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Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Materials Science & Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
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Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Saitama University
Saitama University, JAPAN
Saitama University, JAPAN
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), BANGLADESH
Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Rajshahi,
SL | Authors | Title | Publisher Details | Publication Year | Type |
1 | M.N. Islam , Y. Arai , W. Araki | Mechanical behaviors of ferroelastic LaGaO3 sintered at different temperatures | Elsevier Science (Ceram International) | 2025 | Journal |
2 | Tasnuva Tabashhum Choudhury , Nahid Imtiaz Masuk , Pranoy Deb , Md. Nurul Islam , Md Ashraful Islam | Thermo-mechanical stress analysis and critical condition estimation in lithium lanthanum niobate (LiLaNbO) thin electrolyte plate of all-solid-state battery | Elsevier science (Applications in Engineering Science) | 2025 | Journal |
3 | Dewan Muhammad Nuruzzaman; AKM Asif Iqbal, Md. Nurul Islam;A. K. M. Parvez Iqbal | A novel approach to improving the interfacial strength of 3D printed Al–GNP composites by modifying GNP with MgO | AIP Publishing (APL Materials) | 2024 | Journal |
4 | Hironmoy Karmaker, Ayesha Siddique, Barun K. Das, Md Nurul Islam | Modeling and performance investigation of novel inorganic Cs4CuSb2Cl12 nanocrystal perovskite solar cell using SCAPS-1D | Results in Engineering | 2024 | Journal |
5 | Sujan Banik , Arnob Das * , Barun K. Das, Nurul Islam | Numerical simulation and performance optimization of a lead-free inorganic perovskite solar cell using SCAPS-1D | Heliyon | 2024 | Journal |
6 | Md. Nurul Islam,*Atoshi Das, Shaima Jarin | Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of CFRP-AA7075-T6 Composite and Finite Element Analysis for Automotive Wheel Rim Application | Association for Scientific Publishing and Research – ASPUR | 2024 | Journal |
7 | Md. Mostafa Kamal, Soumin Mahmud, Iftekhar Ahmed Plabon, Md. Abdul Kader, Md. Nurul Islam | Effects of sintering temperature on the physical, structural, mechanical and antimicrobial properties of extracted hydroxyapatite ceramics from Anabas testudineus bone and head scull for biomedical applications | Elsevier Science | 2024 | Journal |
8 | A. Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam, H. Karmaker, A.K.M. Asif Iqbal, A. Al Mazed Khan, Md. Amimul Islam, B. Kumar Das | Numerical Modelling and Performance Investigation of Inorganic Copper-Tin-Sulfide (CTS) based Perovskite Solar Cell with SCAPS1D | Results in Optics | 2024 | Journal |
9 | Md. Bakhtierkhalzi, Md. Wahedul Islam, Md. Suzauddin, Md. Nurul Islam, Abdullah Al Mahmood | Effect of TiO2 as sintering additive on microstructural, physical, and mechanical properties of CeO2 doped zirconia toughened alumina ceramic composite | Ceramics International | 2023 | Journal |
10 | Ayesha Siddique, Hironmoy Karmaker, Md. Nurul Islam | Performance evaluation of inorganic perovskite solar cell through numerical simulation | ICMERE | 2023 | Conference |
11 | Md. Mostafa Kamal, Mir Imran Bin Samad, Md. Nurul Islam | Development of a Low-Cost Compression Device for Ceramics Materials | ICMIMEE22 | 2022 | Conference |
12 | Md. Nurul Islam, Md. Tamzid Ahmed, Md. Ansarul Haque, Abdul Mojid Parvej | Observation of Crack Initiation, Propagation and Effect of Heat Treatment on Stainless Steel 316 (SS 316) | ICMIME | 2022 | Conference |
13 | Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, Sakib Muhammad Mohtasim, and M. N. Islam | Property analysis of sintered porous aluminum oxide | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2021 | Conference |
14 | Mst. SharminMostari, Nurul Islam, Md. Abdul Matin | Structural modification and evaluation of dielectric and ferromagnetic properties of Ce-modified BiFeO3–BaTiO3 ceramics | Ceramics International Volume 46, Issue 10, Part B, pp. 15840-15850 | 2020 | Journal |
15 | S. S. Yusuf , M. N. Islam , M. H. Ali , M. W. Akram, M. A. Siddique | Towards the Optimization of Process Parameters for Impact Strength of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites: Taguchi Method | Advances in Materials Science, Vol. 20, No. 2(64) | 2020 | Journal |
16 | Mst. Sharmin Mostari1 , Md. Nurul Islam | Synthesis and Characterization of Ce Incorporated BiFeO3-BaTiO3 Ceramic near the Morphotropic Phase Boundary | SSRG International Journal of Material Science and Engineering ( SSRG-IJMSE ) - Volume 5 Issue 2, ISSN: 2394 - 8884 | 2019 | Journal |
17 | Sk. Suzauddin Yusuf, Md. Nurul Islam, Md. Hasan Ali, Md. Washim Akram, Md. Abubakar Siddique | Optimum Process Parameters Selection for Brinell Hardness Number of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites Using Taguchi Method | Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJEAT), 4(10): pp. 422-427 | 2019 | Journal |
18 | M. N. Islam, W. Araki and Y. Arai | Mechanical properties of ferroelastic La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ with various porosities and pore sizes | Journal of Materials Science, volume 54, pp. 5256–5265 | 2019 | Journal |
19 | Md. Nurul Islam, Wakako Araki, Yoshio Arai | Investigation of ferroelastic mechanical behavior of lanthanum ferrite, LaFeO3 | AIP Publishing, 2121, 140005 | 2019 | Conference |
20 | M. N. Islam, W. Araki and Y. Arai | Ferroelastic Mechanical Behavior Of Porous La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8o3−δ Prepared Using Corn Starch As A Pore Former | International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN(p): 2320-2092, ISSN(e): 2321-2071 Volume- 6, Issue-1 | 2018 | Journal |
21 | Islam M.N., Araki W and Arai. Y. | Ferroelastic Mechanical Behavior of Porous La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ Prepared using Corn Starch as a Pore former | 273rd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sydney, Australia | 2017 | Conference |
22 | Islam M.N., Araki W and Arai. Y | Evaluation of ferroelastic mechanical behavior of lanthanum gallate, | Proceedings of the International conference on Mechanical Engineering and renewable energy 2017 (ICMERE2013), Chittagong, Bangladesh | 2017 | Conference |
23 | M. N. Islam, W. Araki and Y. Arai | Mechanical behavior of ferroelastic LaAlO3 | Journal of the European Ceramic Society” Vol. 37, pp. 1665-1671 | 2017 | Journal |
24 | M. N. Islam, W. Araki and Y. Arai | Mechanical behavior of ferroelastic porous La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ prepared with different pore formers | Ceramic International, Vol. 43, pp. 14989-14995 | 2017 | Journal |
25 | Islam M.N., Araki W and Arai. Y | Temperature and loading rate dependence of Ferroelasticity of LaAlO3 | Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength , Toyama, Japan | 2016 | Conference |
26 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Use of ultrasonic back-refection intensity for predicting the onset of crack growth due to low-cycle fatigue in stainless steel under block loading | Ultrasonics, Vol. 56, pp. 354-360 | 2015 | Journal |
27 | M.N.Islam, A. Saburb, R. Ahmmed, M. E. Hoque | Oil Extraction from Pine Seed (Polyalthia longifolia) by Solvent Extraction Method and its Property Analysis | Procedia Engineering 105 , pp. 613 – 618 | 2015 | Journal |
28 | Islam M.N., Shanewaz Daizy, Mst. Shahnaz Akhter | Optical microscope evaluation of start of crack growth of stainless steel (SS202) | Proceedings of the International conference on Mechanical Engineering and renewable energy 2013 (ICMERE2013), Chittagong, Bangladesh | 2014 | Conference |
29 | Soumya Mandal, Tonmoy Karmaker & Dr. Md. Nurul Islam | Effect of Heat Treatment on Crack Initiation & Propagation of Stainless Steel (SS-304) | Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering, Volume 14 Issue 1 Version 1.0 | 2014 | Journal |
30 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Evaluation of Start of Crack Growth of Nuclear Material (SUS316NG) using Ultrasonic | Procedia Engineering, Vol. 56, pp. 707-712 | 2013 | Journal |
31 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Detection as well as prediction of fatigue crack initiation using scanning acoustic microscope | 6 th International Mechanical Engineering conference & Annual paper Meet (6 IMEC & 14 APM) | 2012 | Conference |
32 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y, Araki. W | Initiation of Fatigue Crack Growth in Austenitic Stainless Steel Detected by Ultrasound: Role of In-plane Orientation | Material Science and Engineering, A Vol. 556 pp. 309-318 | 2012 | Journal |
33 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Evaluation of crack initiation of stainless steel SUS316NG under variable loading using ultrasonic back reflection | 9th International conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME) | 2011 | Conference |
34 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Prediction of crack initiation of stainless steel SUS316 using scanning acoustic microscope | International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2011, (ICMERE2011) | 2011 | Conference |
35 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Effect of plastic strain range on prediction of the onset of crack growth for low cycle fatigue of SUS316NG studied using ultrasonic back reflection | Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3 | 2010 | Journal |
36 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y and Araki W | Dependence of Ultrasonic back reflections on in-plane orientation of incident wave in fatigued austenitic stainless steel | 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing | 2009 | Conference |
37 | Islam M.N and Arai. Y | 超音波後方反射波によるステンレス鋼の低サイクル疲労き裂発生寿命の非破壊評価 | 日本機械学会 M&M2009材料力学カンファレンス, 北海度 | 2009 | Conference |
38 | Islam M.N., Arai. Y | Ultrasonic back reflection evaluation of crack growth from PSBs in low cycle fatigue of stainless steel under constant load amplitude | Material Science and Engineering, A Vol. 520 pp. 49-55 | 2009 | Journal |
39 | Arai. Y, Islam M.N | Evaluation of Low Cycle Fatigue Crack Initiation Life using Scanning Acoustic Microscope | SEM XI International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orlando, Florida | 2008 | Conference |
40 | Islam M.N and Arai. Y | 高周波超音波の表面結晶粒界反射波によるステンレス鋼の低サイクル疲労き裂発生過程の評価 | Annual Meeting of JSME, 講演論文集 | 2008 | Conference |
41 | Islam M.N and Arai. Y | Evaluation of low cycle fatigue crack initiation of stainless steel using ultrasonic back reflected wave | 日本実験力学会講演論文集 | 2007 | Conference |
42 | Islam M.N., Islam M.N. and Beg, R.A | Pyrolytic oil from fixed bed pyrolysis of municipal solid waste and its characterization. | Renewable energy, Vol. 30 pp 413 | 2005 | Journal |
43 | Islam M.N, Islam M.N, Beg. R. A | Production of alternative liquid fuel from scrap tyre by pyrolysis technology | 2nd BSME-ASME International conference on thermal Engineering | 2004 | Conference |
44 | Islam M.N., Islam M.N. and Beg, R.A | Fixed bed pyrolysis of waste plastic for alternative fuel production | Journal of Energy & Environment, Vol 3, pp 69. | 2004 | Journal |
45 | Islam M.N., Islam M.N. and Beg, R.A | The fuel properties of pyrolysis liquid derived from urban solid waste in Bangladesh | Bio-resource Technology, Vol 92, pp 181 | 2004 | Journal |
46 | Islam M.N., Islam M.N. and Beg, R.A | Fixed bed pyrolysis of scrap tire for liquid fuel production | International Energy Journal, Vol.5 No. 1 | 2004 | Journal |
47 | Islam M.N, Islam M.N, Beg. R. A | Characteristics of organic solid waste for liquid oil production | 4th International conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICME, Dhaka | 2003 | Conference |
48 | Islam M.R, and Islam M.N | Fixed bed pyrolysis of sugarcane baggasse for liquid fuel production | 4 th International conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICME, Dhaka | 2003 | Conference |
49 | Islam M.R., Islam M.N | Alternative liquid fuel by pyrolysis technology from available biomass solid wastes in Bangladesh | Journal of Mechanical Engineering, IEB, Vol 32. | 2003 | Journal |
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